I am a current 3L at UC Davis School of Law working towards a J.D. with the certificate in Environmental Law. I am Editor-in-Chief of “Environs,” the UC Davis Environmental Law and Policy Journal for Volume 42. As a member and Judge Recruitment Chair of the Moot Court Honors Board and Director of Administrative Affairs for the King Hall Negotiations Team, I am also very involved with the teams that represent my school.
Prior to law school, I graduated from the University of Denver with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Science and minors in Geographic Information Systems and Italian Language. I was born in Marin County, CA and attended Marin Catholic High School, where I played Lacrosse.
Apart from my legal work, I have extensive GIS experience including ArcGIS, various GPS systems, and remote sensing technologies. I have worked in natural resource management with a focus on restoration ecology, at the municipal level. Additionally, I have conducted many ecological field studies both professionally and academically.
I have long been passionate about the environment and my outdoor activity interests include backpacking, skiing, and mountaineering.