Brendan Williams

New Hampshire Health Care Association

health insurance, affordable care act, long term care, eldercare, public health law, public policy, access to health caremedicaid policy, medicare reimbursement
community karma : 31891

About Me

Brendan Williams is the president/CEO of the New Hampshire Health Care Association.  He is a frequent columnist, with over 150 op-eds published in print newspapers in both New Hampshire and the state of Washington.  He has also been published in The Hill and USA Today.  During the COVID-19 pandemic he has beenquoted in separate articles in the New York Times and Washington Post, as well as in national AP stories.

Other work experience includes serving as general counsel to a national trade association; serving as a deputy Washington insurance commissioner tasked with Affordable Care Act implementation; and serving three terms as a Washington state representative who passed 27 bills into law and was named top-legislator by eight groups. 

Prior to his House service, Brendan ran the Washington Health Care Association.  He is an attorney, licensed in Washington, who clerked for the Washington Supreme Court and has had 400 law review articles accepted for publication.

As a hobby, Brendan wrote Battle over Obamacare: 2009-17, a Kindle eBook that won solid reviews from Kirkus Review and the Midwest Book Review.


  • Brendan W. Williams, “Horizontal Federalism Inches Along: New Jersey’s Experiment in State Constitutionalism and Consent Searches Finally Finds Company,” TEX. F. ON C.L. & C.R. , 2000. Pages 1-26
  • Brendan Williams, “Collateral Damage? U.S. Long-Term Care and the War on Immigration,” ALB. GOV'T L. REV., 2018-19. Pages 124-145
  • Brendan W. Williams, “A Better ‘Exchange’: Some States, Including Washington, Control Their Health Care Markets While Most Surrender Autonomy to Resist Reform,” GONZ. L. REV., 2013. Pages 595-626
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Defamation as a Remedy for Criminal Suspects Tried Only in the Media,” COMM. & THE L., Sept. 1997. Pages 61-81
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Some Secrets Are Not Worth Keeping: The Attorney’s Duty of Confidentiality Versus Disclosure of Intended Client Crimes,” CRIM. L. BULL., 1998. Pages 97-117
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Forget Kanye: Minority Voter Suppression is on the March,” HOW. L. J., 2019. Pages 399-422
  • Brendan Williams, “The Slow Crawl of Paid Family Leave Laws,” CAL. W. L. REV., 2019. Pages 423-443
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Leap of Faith: Managed Care and the Privatization of Medicaid Long-Term Care Services,” LOY. CONSUMER L. REV. , 2018. Pages 438-459
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Not a One-Stop SHOP: Small Group Health Option Program Exchanges and the Future for Small Business Health Insurance,” ARK. J. OF SOC. CHANGE & PUB SERV. , 2018.
  • Brendan W. Williams, “NIFLA vs. Beccera: Abortion Speech Only as Free as the Supreme Court Wants It to Be,” CHARLESTON L. REV., 2018. Pages 89-95
  • Brendan W. Williams, “The Political Advantage of Medicare Advantage,” SW L. REV., 2019. Pages 133-49
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Buy Insurance or Else? Resurrecting the Individual Mandate at the State Level,” ALB. L. REV., 2019. Pages 533-554
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Autism Therapy Mandates: An Idea to Mitigate the School Costs of IDEA,” CONN. PUB. INT. L. J., 2019. Pages 207-219
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Long Live the Death Penalty? One Progressive State's Experience,” CARZOZO J. EQUAL RTS. & SOC. JUST., 2019. Pages 251-266
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Judicial Politics: The Devolution of the Third Branch of Government,” LOY. J. PUB. INT. L. , 2019. Pages 241-53
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Does Does Janus vs. AFSCME Signal the Death of Mandatory Bar Associations?,” 67 CLEV. ST. L. REV. ET CETERA , May 2019. Pages 1-14
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Bad Company? The Rise (Again) of Association Health Plans,” J. Bus. Entrepreneurship & L., May 2019. Pages 263-281
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Failure to Thrive? Long-Term Care's Tenuous Long-Term Future,” SETON HALL LEGIS. L. J. , 2019. Pages 285-314
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Is Anyone Listening? The Legal Marginalization of Hearing Disabilities,” IND. HEALTH L. REV., 2018. Pages 163-176
  • Brendan W. Williams, “The Inexorable Expansion of Medicaid Expansion,” N. Ill. L. REV., Spring 2019. Pages 240-272
  • Brendan W. Williams, “President Trump's Crusade Against the Transgender Community,” AM. U. J. GENDER, SOC. POL’Y & L. , 2019. Pages 525-551
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Bad Foundation: Washington’s Lack of Homeowner Rights,” MITCHELL HAMLINE L. J. PUB. POL’Y & PRAC. , Spring 2019. Pages 139-166
  • Brendan Williams, “Something's Rotten: Oral Health Care Access in the United States,” S. CAL. REV. L. & SOC. J., Spring 2019. Pages 1-20
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Somebody’s Knocking, Should I Let Them In? The Fight over Unions Enters the Home ,” VERMONT L. REV., 2019. Pages 351-68
  • Brendan Williams, “Sign or Else: Employment Arbitration in the Wake of an Epic Decision,” MARQ. BENEFITS & SOC. WELFARE L. REV. , Spring 2019. Pages 259-277
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Gone But Not Forgotten: The Legal Status of Miscarriages,” J. HEALTH & BIOMEDICAL L., Oct. 2019. Pages 161-172
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Burning Down the House? Ben Carson and U.S. Housing Policy,” S.W. L. REV. , 2020. Pages 122-143
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Opening the Floodgates: Repealing Certificate of Needs Laws Could Drown Nursing Home Care,” U. DETROIT MERCY L. REV. , January 2020. Pages 1-11
  • Brendan W. Williams, “The Legal and Political Status of U.S. Homelessness,” S. U. L. REV., Fall 2019. Pages 123-154
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Contempt of Courts: President Trump's Transformation of the Judiciary,” DENVER L. REV. ONLINE, May 2020. Pages 1-29
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Health Care Reform in Washington: Past, Present, and Future,” CONCORDIA L. REV., Summer 2020. Pages 162-190
  • Brendan W. Williams, “The Long-Term Gender and Race Issues in Long-Term Care,” Lincoln Memorial U. L. Rev., November 2020. Pages 261-279
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Left for Dead: Nursing Home Care Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Quinnipiac Health L. J., December 2020. Pages 29-64
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Puerto's Rico's Separate and Unequal Status Under U.S. Law,” Pace L. Rev, December 2020. Pages 259-280
  • Brendan W. Williams, “Boeing and Washington State: Codependency and Moral Hazard ,” Gonz. L. Rev., December 2020. Pages 65-93
  • Brendan Williams, “Did President Trump’s 2020 Election Litigation Kill Rule 11?,” 30 B.U. PUB. INT. L. J. , Summer 2021. Pages 181-214
  • Brendan Williams, “COVID-19, Constitutional Law, and Catastrophe,” U. N.H. L. REV., December 2021. Pages 153-193
  • Brendan Williams, “Blocking the Ballot Box: the Republican War on Voting Rights,” WM. & MARY J. RACE, GENDER & SOC. JUST., May 2022. Pages 389-419
  • Brendan Williams, “Hostile Shores: Racial Exclusion Laws and the West Coast,” 28 CARDOZO J. EQUAL RTS. & SOC. JUST., Spring 2022. Pages 559-580
  • Brendan Williams, “Divided We Fall: the Concerted Attack on U.S. Democracy,” WILLAMETTE L. REV., August 2023. Pages 121-187
  • Brendan Williams, “ The Enemy Within: Medicare Advantage and the Future of U.S. Healthcare,” QUINNIPIAC HEALTH L. J. , May 1, 2023.
  • Brendan Williams, “Jabbing Businesses: Governmental COVID-19 Vaccination and Anti-Vaccination Mandates,” TOLEDO L. REV., November 2022.
  • Brendan Williams, “The Expendables: Hispanic Workers in the U.S. During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” ALA. C.R. & C.L. L. REV. , October 2022.

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