Solving the Mystery of Crafting a Winning Book Proposal

Posted by Avi Staiman, community karma 57

Many scholars excel at writing academic manuscripts but are less confident when asked to pitch their work in the final stage ahead of submission: the book proposal. Laura Portwood-Stacer, author of The Book Proposal Book (Princeton University Press), will break down the book proposal process in a clear and attainable way and offer tips on how to (successfully!) pitch your proposal to prospective university presses and academic publishers.

Laura Portwood-Stacer will provide some much-needed clarity on how to craft a winning book proposal. You will get: 

  • Insight into how to grab the editor’s attention with a sharp project description

  • A step by step breakdown of the book proposal process, and 

  • Insider tips on how to define a target audience

March 30 at 8:30 PM Israel time/ 6:30 PM GMT/ 1:30 PM EDT on Zoom

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almost 3 years ago