The Bulletin is an online component of the Nebraska Law Review. It offers a great forum to publicize your work, bolster your résumé, and discuss important issues in the public eye.
The Bulletin seeks shorter submissions as an alternative to what is published in the printed version of the Nebraska Law Review. One major benefit of the Bulletin is the publication time is much faster than publishing with a print journal. Publication time from the day you accept an offer is almost always less than two weeks! This allows you to quickly publish timely, relevant topics.
You also have the opportunity to publish your work as a "White Paper." Less formal than a traditional Law Review Article or Note, White Papers are lightly edited and have no page limit or Bluebook requirements. This also allows your piece to be published even faster.
There are no strict deadlines for submitting and publishing your writing on the Bulletin. The opportunity to publish on the Bulletin is available at any time throughout the year. Additionally, your article will be linked to Nebraska Law Review's Twitter account, @NebLRev, thus expanding the forum for you to express your thoughts and ideas.
Visit the Bulletin website to read published articles and to learn more about its publishing requirements.
Submit your piece with the Nebraska Law Review Bulletin through Scholastica!