CALL FOR ESG EXPERTS: NIU Law Review 2024 Symposium

Posted by Isaiah Harlan, community karma 27


The Northern Illinois University Law Review is seeking articles and article proposals as well as speakers for consideration for publication in our 2024 Symposium Issue or to be presented at our 34th Annual NIU Law Review Symposium on Friday, April 12, 2024. The topic for this symposium is The Impact of ESG on the Business and Legal Environment

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has become a focal point of corporate governance, with companies actively seeking or actively attempting to avoid integrating ESG considerations into their decision-making processes. This shift towards environmental sustainability and social responsibility has significant implications for the legal profession. Lawyers (and soon-to-be lawyers) play a critical role in advising clients on ESG matters and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations as well as litigating their implementation. This law review symposium will aim to explore the impact of ESG on the business and legal environment. 

Topics for articles or presentations may include, but are not limited to:

  • The evolving role of lawyers in ESG matters, including the challenges that arise in advising clients on complex environmental and social issues.
  • The legality of ESG reporting and compliance requirements. 
  • The regulatory landscape for ESG, including recent developments and the potential for regulatory reform.
  • The relationship between ESG and shareholder activism, including the growing trend of ESG-focused shareholder proposals and the impact of such proposals on corporate decision-making.
  • The intersection of ESG and litigation, including the potential for increased litigation risk for companies that fail to address ESG concerns or do address ESG concerns against the will of shareholders.

Submissions or proposals to be considered for publication should be directed to the Law Review Symposium Editor, Isaiah Harlan, at his email: All submissions should be in Microsoft Word format, 12-point font, and preferably Times New Roman. 


Submissions or proposals will be accepted until Sunday, October 1, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. CT. The Law Review will make decisions regarding paper acceptance by late October. If accepted, authors will be expected to submit a completed draft by Friday, February 2, 2024, for editing and publication in the Symposium Issue of the Northern Illinois University Law Review.  


Please direct any questions to the attention of the Symposium Editor, Isaiah Harlan (contact information listed above). We look forward to hearing from you

about 1 year ago