Exclusive Submission Period Open for Southern Illinois University Law Journal

Posted by Jayci Noble, community karma 27

The Southern Illinois University Law Journal has 2 immediate openings for submissions for publication in the Spring issue of this year's volume, which will be published in March 2018. The Editorial Board is looking for authors willing to submit exclusively to the Southern Illinois University Law Journal in return for a guaranteed quick and thorough review and response (not later than four days after receipt). This expedited, exclusive review will be open until September 19, 2017.  Articles may be submitted after this date, however there is no guarantee of an expedited response and open slots will be filled on a first-come basis. 

Please direct submissions to Erik Moore at ewmlaw@siu.edu and include the subject line “Exclusive Review.” No specific topics are requested, but the Law Review seeks timely, relevant articles between around 7,000-25,000 words in the text.  The Southern Illinois University Law Journal has an excellent staff that works professionally with authors and consistently meets its own strict deadlines.  If you have an article looking for a placement, please consider sending it along. Thanks for your interest.

1 Comment

Amir Shachmurove, community karma 6103
I'll be glad to do it; one of my judges even recommended that the piece go to one of the Illinois based journals for reasons I do not quite understand.
over 7 years ago
Hi Mr. Shachmurove, We are glad to hear about your interest! Please email your submission to ewmlaw@siu.edu for review. We look forward to hearing from you! Best regards, Jayci Noble Editor In Chief
Jayci Noble – over 7 years ago
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