Call for Submissions: Indiana International and Comparative Law Review - Environmental Law Symposium

Posted by Farrah Goodall, community karma 49

Dear Authors/Scholars,

The Indiana International and Comparative Law Review (IICLR) cordially invites you to submit an article manuscript for publication consideration in IICLR’s Volume XXXII Symposium. IICLR’s 2021-22 symposium topic is International Law and the Environment: Sustainability, Justice, and Climate Change Around the World. We are seeking publication proposals from a diverse background of environmental law experts who will contribute to legal scholarship concerning issues of environmental sustainability, environmental justice, and climate change. All publications must incorporate either an international or comparative environmental law perspective and must be submitted by an individual with a J.D. or J.D. equivalent.

Additionally, authors who are chosen for Symposium publication will be under consideration to serve as panelists on one of the three live Symposium panels in Indianapolis, Indiana on March 4th, 2022. If you are interested in consideration as a Symposium panelist, please indicate your interest when submitting your manuscript for publication consideration.

Please submit your article manuscript to IICLR’s Executive Symposium Publication Editor, Analiese W. Smith, via email at by August 7th, 2021 at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. Publication selection emails will be distributed to authors via email by August 13th, 2021 at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. Please direct all Symposium questions to Ms. Analiese Smith.


Analiese Smith                    

Indiana International and Comparative Law Review

Executive Symposium Publication Editor, Volume XXXII