Call for Submissions for Spring Volume, International Law Journal!

Posted by Sally Alghazali, community karma 31

George Mason International Law Journal (ILJ) is now accepting manuscript submissions for publication in our upcoming Spring 2022 issue.

ILJ  publishes two times a year. All issues contain two to three professional pieces and one to two student notes from journal members. For each issue, the Articles team seeks articles that make a significant, original contribution to international law scholarship. The Journal considers articles on a wide array of legal topics, including comparative and transnational law.

Submissions should include:

  1. One copy of the manuscript, double-spaced, with one-inch margins (Note: All citations should conform to the 21st Edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation);
  2. Abstract of the manuscript; and
  3. Curriculum vitae for the author(s)

Submissions can be made here on Scholastica or sent to 

For more information about submissions requirements, check our website at