California Western International Law Journal Symposium Issue Spring 2022: Comparative and International Sports Law

Posted by Barbara Zaragoza, community karma 29

Abstracts Due: October 1, 2021


California Western International Law Journal seeks articles for its Spring 2022 Symposium issue on Comparative and International Sports Law.


This year Japan is hosted the Summer Olympics, with 206 countries participating in 33 different sports. Similarly, Qatar will be hosting the 22nd FIFA World Cup, with 32 countries participating. The Olympics and the World Cup transcend borders and cultivates solidarity as millions all over the world tune in to see these events. Along with solidarity legal issues will also be thrust into the forefront of our globalized communities. The International Law Journal in our Spring Symposium is hoping to cultivate the comraderie that sports garner while delving into the many legal issues such mega events and sports generate. International sports law encompasses a broad range of issues, including business law, trademark law, immigration law, fair play principles, and race and gender equality, including gender and race wage gap issues, among others.

The purpose of the Symposium is to generate scholarly articles for the Symposium edition of the International Law Journal, which will be published in print and also available on-line. We invite scholars and legal experts to contribute articles or informative essays Although we welcome all submission involving international sports law, we are specifically looking for entries involving e-sports, human trafficking, gender equality, and human rights.  The Symposium edition of ILJ would be published in Spring 2021, with a submission deadline for articles and notes due early January 2022.

Call For Abstracts

The International Law Journal Symposium Committee invites those interested in participating in the Symposium to submit a 250-word abstract that introduces an essay or article related to the topic described above. Authors may submit a proposal for either an 2,500-essay, or an article (between 10,000 and 30,000 words) to be published in a Symposium edition of the CWSL International Law Journal in Spring 2022. Each abstract submission should include:

1.     The title of the submitted paper;

2.     A 250-word abstract that discusses the proposed symposium article;

3.     The name and email address of the author; and

4.     The curriculum vitae of the author.


Essay/Article Requirements

The Symposium Committee will notify authors whether their proposed essay or article has been selected by October 30, 2021. Essays and articles selected for the symposium edition must meet the following requirements:

1.     Final manuscript submission must be in Word format with at least one-inch margins.

2.     Citations must be contained in footnotes and conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (Twenty-First Edition).

3.     Manuscripts should be timely and provide an original, in-depth analysis of the topic above.

4.     The title page should include the author’s full name, his or her academic/professional affiliations, and complete contact information for whom correspondence can be made.

5.     Additionally, collectively published Symposium pieces have less stringent requirements when it comes to citing common knowledge by qualified experts such as each of you. Therefore, we are not imposing a minimum footnote requirement. As a general rule, however, each page should include at least three footnotes, depending on the content of what is being discussed.


Potential Symposium Conference

The Symposium Committee is currently seeking funding to host a Symposium conference in connection with the Symposium issue. Authors of manuscripts selected for inclusion in the Symposium issue may be considered to participate in a Symposium conference to discuss their manuscript. The Symposium print issue is fully funded and will move forward independent of the conference. Once conference funding is confirmed, additional information and invitations will be sent to selected authors.

Abstracts are due by October 1, 2021 and should be submitted to Editor-in-Chief, Barbara Zaragoza, at with International Sports Law Symposium in the subject line.