Buffalo Law Review - Volume 65 Exclusive Submission Track

Posted by Ari Goldberg, community karma 51

Exclusive Submission Track


The Buffalo Law Review will be accepting exclusive submissions for Volume 65 through February 11, 2017 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.  All pieces submitted bypass the initial article screening process and will be immediately reviewed by the articles team.  All final publication decisions will be made by February 19, 2017 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.


Submitting authors agree to withhold the article submitted through our exclusive submission track from submission to any other publication until receiving a decision back from the Buffalo Law Review.  Submitting authors also agree to accept a publication offer if the Buffalo Law Review makes an offer on the exclusively submitted article.  Authors not receiving publication offers are free to submit elsewhere after February 19th.


To submit, please email the article manuscript in .doc or .docx format, a cover letter, and CV to blrarticles2@gmail.com.  Please kindly write “2017 Exclusive Submission Track” in the subject line.  To be considered in this exclusion submission track, the above procedures and dates of submission must be complied with.


We look forward to your submission.


The Buffalo Law Review