Buffalo Human Rights Law Review - Call for Submission

Posted by Erica Chiodo, community karma 467

Call for Submissions: Buffalo Human Rights Law Review invites submissions for publication in Volume 26 to be published in early 2020.


The Buffalo Human Rights Law Review (BHRLR) focuses on the interdisciplinary study of international human rights law. The BHRLR seeks to unite professionals, students, legal practitioners, policymakers, advocates, and cross-disciplinary scholars, and to encourage thereby the development and practical application of human rights law.


We particularly value submissions that offer interdisciplinary legal analyses of human rights issues. Articles accepted for publication will identify a compelling thesis, support that thesis with thorough argument and evidence, and offer constructive analysis and research that advances understanding of human rights law.


The Editorial Board welcomes interested authors to submit their original manuscripts to our email address at buffalohrlr@gmail.com, or the Buffalo Human Rights Law Review's Scholastica account. Please accompany your manuscript submission with curriculum vitae/resume.


We look forward to reviewing your submission!


Mary Hamilton, Editor-in-Chief & Erica Chiodo, Executive Editor

Buffalo Human Rights Law Review
